What Your Aspirations Reveal About You

Do you long for ‘success’? Or do you strive for accomplishment?

Do you seek the outward appearance of affluence? Or do you endeavor to secure real financial independence?

Do you fantasize about winning the lottery? Or do you imagine opportunities to create wealth?

What you aspire to be is revealing, not least to yourself. I’ve known many a young man whose dream was to have a trophy wife, a spacious home in an upscale neighborhood, and a luxurious high-performance car. Many achieved that dream. Only a few were happy once they did, regardless of their ‘net worth’.

Why? Because they placed disproportionate value in material things, and a few non-material things, namely ‘status’, whatever that is. The truth is that you–without self-improvement, without evolving as a person, without refining your tastes and your judgment, without becoming inner-directed in your decision making process, without doing the hard work of growing up–you will be the same person in that big house with all your toys that you are now. And if you aren’t happy now, you won’t be happy then. You’ll be angry, disillusioned, and bitter because the things you thought would make you happy haven’t. The work you did for money will not be fulfilling, no matter how much money you’ve made.

You have to do the work you love, create all the wealth that you ethically and legally can, but do it for the sake of doing it. Do it to be of service. Do it with a sense of purpose, and then do your best, like many an Old Money Guy or Gal, to remain detached from the fruits of your labor. Dress modestly. Live quietly. Enjoy the rare luxuries of loving what you do for a living and being free from worry. To hell with what other people think: dance to your own tune.

So take a moment to assess your aspirations, your goals, whom you admire and why.

As the old saying goes…Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.


6 thoughts on “What Your Aspirations Reveal About You

  1. Mr. Tully- I just ordered my second copy of your fine book from Amazon: my first went to my 24-year-old son who is getting married in April. I feel he will gain a lot from reading it, and sharing with his new wife.

    I lie it particularly as it seems to capture many of the values I was raised on: thrift, modesty, privacy and independence. Although I don’t come from an Old Money family, at least not directly, these values were passed down to my brothers and I as, what might be called, simple Yankee frugality and common-sense.

    It’s great to see them presented so well, and I plan to buy more copies for my younger children.


    1. Thank you very much for the kind words. I’m honored that you’d give copies of my book to your children. Of course, they’ll only take and and read it if they’ve seen the principles lived on a daily basis by their father. And I’m sure they have. Congratulations to your son and his new bride! Wishing them many years of health and happiness – BGT

  2. Congratulations! Another great post. I find it interesting that the Surprise Millionaires I profile do not come from old money, or any money for that matter; but exhibit the same characteristics of living within their means, investing wisely, etc. as old money individuals. Perhaps these individuals inadvertently stumbled upon some of the old money principles and put them to use. I will have to research this. Thanks again!

  3. Some real gems in this one. “Remain detached from the fruits of your labor.” “Dress modestly. Live quietly.” And my favorite “refining your tastes”. I am convinced that acquired tastes are the ones we end up enjoying most. Developing your palate, cultivating an appreciation for art and music, learning to enjoy life’s more refined pleasures is well worth doing. To not do so is to be like and adult who, rather than have a great meal in a really good restaurant and see a great movie, would rather watch cartoons and eat candy. That may be what he likes, but he doesn’t know what he’s missing.

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