Old Money: A Different Approach

In the slow, uneven evolution of society–the process of progress–a few visionaries, sometimes lead by a charismatic leader, bring an issue to the front of the social consciousness. It is often an injustice like slavery, women’s rights, workers’ rights, discrimination: some unequal or unfair situation that should be remedied.

Lawmakers are moved to recognize this injustice, admit to the past being imperfect, and consider new laws, often contrary to the prevailing culture of the majority. It is then the job of the legislators to draft laws and government officials to enforce them. Slowly, by coercion or gradual enlightenment, the public comes around.

We now generally acknowledge the fairness of women having the right to vote, workers being entitled to weekends, and everyone having the right to education. We do well to remember that people didn’t always think this way. It helps us to value the progress we’ve made.

The culture of Old Money, and the benefits that it can bestow upon us, may be approached differently. Old Money already lives that way it lives and knows what it knows. Aside from my books and this blog, it does little to try to convert others to its way of life. More than a few of its members actively shun the limelight, don’t want to discuss the fundamentals of Living Better While Spending Less, and would actually prefer if the masses didn’t get wise to the ways of the classes.

So it’s left to those who aspire to improvement, first, to acknowledge the potential benefits of the Core Values that inform the Old Money culture. Nothing cuts more to the heart of the matter than the question, ‘What’s in it for me?’  Once we each answer that, then it’s easy to take the next step. This is, second, to actively seek out ways to emulate and absorb these values, priorities, and habits that will allow us to benefit from Old Money’s way of life.

We do this on an individual and personal level, right where we are, with what we have to work with. It’s no quick fix. Results can take time to realize, there are little or no external rewards. You may be the only one to know that your life has improved. Furthermore, your family and friends may be deaf to your pleas for them to join you on this journey.

But that’s the nature of this blue-blazered beast. Approach it diligently. Don’t worry that you’re alone in your pursuit. You’re not. We’re here. So persevere.

  • BGT

5 thoughts on “Old Money: A Different Approach

  1. Sir:
    Your words are like a healing salve/balm in the matter of obtaining the “OMG ” lifestyle.

    Bumps and bruises have been brutal without assistance nor a sense of clarified mentorship.

    I’m definitely honored and deeply humbled to have run across this set of core valued, principle driven, group of cohorts.

    …Forward March!

  2. “it does little to try to convert others to its way of life.”

    It may suspect (correctly) that many outsiders don’t see the point of being converted. It may also lack humility — something more essential than just outward modesty. And it may even lack generosity, a belief in inclusiveness.

    Still, it can’t be blamed. All tribes, from street gangs to the aristocracy, have a protective spirit and tend to be suspicious of newcomers. Not without reason. For every outsider committed to learning the values and self-improvement, there may be many opportunists. Does the minority justify the effort? It’s a noble thought, yet many would probably disagree.

  3. Byron, I see no evidence of “would actually prefer if the masses didn’t get wise to the ways of the classes.” Could you elaborate?

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