Site icon The Old Money Book

Are You Ready for a Downturn?

Financial analysts and newspaper headlines are warning about another recession.

It’s been awhile–over 10 years in fact–since the economy suddenly contracted and left many Americans of all income levels in no small amount of pain.

It was 2007. The stock market tanked.

Unemployment spiked. Homes were lost. Portfolios ravaged.

Many people were forced to rethink their careers. Their retirement plans. Their priorities.

As the chickens came home to roost (it took a couple of years for the full force of the crisis to be felt among our circle of people), I consoled friends and family members, walked past the for sale signs in the neighborhood, and found myself offering the same pointers over and over again to those who asked for my advice.

Our lifestyle hadn’t been impacted. My wife and I were concerned, but not worried. ‘What’s the deal?’ was the shorthand for the question. “What’s up with you guys?” After explaining the same fundamentals numerous times to more than a few people, I went to Boston and talked with some OMGs there. They added some thoughts onto an outline I already had in my mind. I returned to Los Angeles, sat down, and wrote The Old Money Book.

I had no experience writing books. I had no experience writing nonfiction. All I knew is that if people in my neighborhood and circle of friends were asking about how we live and how our way of life could help them, other people in America might have that same need.

The book was published and, I’m happy and humbled to say, resonated. It’s been popular. It’s been well-received and well-reviewed by hundreds of readers on Amazon and Goodreads. For some people, it’s been a life changer.

It’s helped them reshape, redefine, and reorder their priorities and spending habits. It’s reaffirmed the Core Values that they’ve already embraced.

The blog has become a community of support for this Old Money way of life. I’m grateful for everyone who contributes and makes it the lively, informative, and generous place it is.

Many of you, Old Money Gals or Old Money Guys by birth or by choice, have ordered your lives around sound ethics and strong financial habits. You’ll be okay if the economy starts to wheeze…or flatlines.

Good for you. However, if you know someone who could benefit from reading The Old Money Book, mention the book to them. If you sense they’d welcome the insights and information, great. Send a $2.99 ebook to them and make them buy the coffee next time. Or just send a link to the blog and let them read and absorb the philosophy in their own time, on their own terms.

Of course I want to sell more books, but I’m more concerned about people who might benefit from the Old Money way of life and don’t know about it yet.

Winter is coming, as they say. Let’s make sure we’re all ready for it.

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