The Old Money Book

Back To School: The Old Money Gal’s Wardrobe

Jane, one of our beloved contributors in the Comments section of this blog, was kind enough to offer her thoughts on The Old Money Gal’s Back To School Wardrobe. Never a purchaser of women’s clothes (for myself or others) I nevertheless found her suggestions right on target.

So, thank you, Jane, very much. Here we go:

This is a good list for fall. This list was my own when I started college and it held me well.

I would suggest that a young lady pack

When I asked Jane to detail some of the brands she favors, she generously replied:

A lot of it was LL Bean with some Skyr wool sweaters thrown in. The dresses were silk made by my Mum and a woolen one from Talbots. I currently shop LLBean, Geiger, Quoddy and House of Bruar for classic well made clothing.

Alena Kate Pettitt, author of Ladies Like Us, (a book I highly recommend) offered her thoughts, as well, which are sterling:

I’d like to add for OM Gals that a nicely cut wool pea coat and a gabardine belted trench coat (both in neutral colours) would serve her well into Autumn and early winter. These will serve both Day and Night use.

Plus wool tights, lots of wool tights! To add warmth beneath lighter weight trousers (I’ve noticed the manufacture of khaki trousers for women’s styles aren’t quite as weighty as the men’s). Plus they are handy to utilise skirts even in bitter weather. They look particularly charming with wool skirts and penny loafers.

Thanks to all the Old Money Gals who contributed their thoughts on the Back To School Wardrobe post. I really appreciate it, and I know it’s been helpful to our readers.

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