The Old Money Book

Winter Is Coming

With cold weather on the horizon, or already in the air, depending on where you live, I thought I’d run through some winter essentials on the Old Money Style side of things. We’ve spotlighted a few of these items before, but it never hurts to introduce newer readers to reliable brands and some of the best they have to offer.

Here we go…

LL Bean Boots…with a six-month waiting period (order to delivery) on many models, you may be out of luck if you want a pair of these winter wonders before spring break. Still, keep them in mind, boys and girls.

J Press Shaggy Dog Sweater…one of the few Old Money recommendations with an eye-watering price. I say, save up and pull the trigger. These sweaters still like warriors and warm like hugs from your sweetheart. The men like these sweaters to fit over a button down. The women like ’em big…and often steal them from their husbands. Fair warning, gents: she will look good in your sweater.


The Polo Coat…while Ralph Lauren does make a model of this coat, the ‘polo’ descriptor does not refer to his brand, but rather the polo players of the 1920s who threw these on before and after a match. These mammoth, dashing affairs are camelhair, double-breasted, and tan. Do not stray from these set-in-stone parameters.


The Mercer oxford cloth button down. Sturdy and warm over a T-shirt or under the above-referenced Shaggy Dog, the Mercer OCBD is a 100% cotton barricade against the chill…and trendy fashion. Wear it well, gentlemen.




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