
Thank you for visiting. It’s a pleasure to have you here.

A Little History. Shortly after the publication of The Old Money Book, The Old Money Book blog began in 2013. I thought I had about 12 months of things to say about this philosophy. After more than 6 years of posting about twice a week, it’s turned out to be more of an adventure–and blessing–than I anticipated.

The blog has been visited by over 1 million readers, many of whom comment on posts or topics with delightful insights. Disagreements on topics are not uncommon, but everyone is always respectful. (Know that.)

Many of the posts address financial independence, dressing in the Old Money Style, and other elements of the Old Money culture. Some are very serious. Other posts detail my personal observations and travel experiences and are fun.

Other Endeavors. As well as writing nonfiction books, I also put ink to paper for the entertainment industry. You can visit my Soundcloud page and enjoy some of my original songs. At present, licensing or publishing inquires should be sent directly to me through this blog. (Comment on any post or page, and I’ll reply.)

If you are a professional in the entertainment industry or an accredited investor, and you’d like to inquire about film and television projects I’m involved with, feel free to contact me through this blog by leaving a comment.

Please do not send me film or TV ideas or scripts. I have too many of my own and any materials sent will not be read.

Consulting. I sometimes consult with individuals who have suddenly experienced a financial windfall, either through inheritance or work. There are common emotions, dynamics, and issues that arise with this kind of life change. I help people understand what these are, address them in a constructive way, and manage them going forward. I do not give investment advice, but I can suggest protocols for protecting yourself personally and financially. If you find yourself in this situation and need direction, contact me.

Education. I’m a big believer in education. It is the transformational process for anyone from any background to increase their standard of living, and, more importantly, their quality of life.

If you’d like me to speak to your students or group about Old Money Values or any of the concepts in my books, please contact me through the blog. I come to America a few times a year. Hopefully we can coordinate calendars and logistics.

If you are an educator, school administrator, or guidance counselor, and you’d like to purchase my books for your students, please contact IngramSpark on their website, or contact me.

Thank you again for visiting. Please dive in, read, learn, subscribe, and share.


About the Author: Grandson of a newspaper publisher and son of an oil industry executive, Byron Tully writes for the entertainment industry. He currently lives in Paris, travels frequently, and is happily married to an Old Money Gal from Boston.

83 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Byron! Love your blog, and what I’ve been able to review of your book. Any chance it may come out in paperback? My husband and I don’t own a lot of gadgets, simple cell phones, really, so we don’t have a Kindle or a Nook. Thanks.

      1. Hi Lisa, I’m really happy you enjoy the book and the blog. Thank you. Now that I think about it, I don’t know any OMGs in sales of any kind. I have no idea why. To be clear, I think that every profession, especially in this economy, has to market its goods and services with passion, whatever they are. So in a sense, we’re all selling. But as to why OMGs don’t gravitate toward sales specifically…good question! – BGT

      2. Thank you for the response, much appreciated! If you happen to pick the minds of your fellow OMG friends please share my question with them. I would love to hear their thoughts and response on the subject………………………………………….

  2. Hello, I am enjoying your book. It is quite accurate as far as I have experienced. It will be great if it is published on paper.

    I found one typo so far. You may know of it already, but under the chapter titled Diction and Grammar, it says “Old Money constantly increases its vocabulary be learning new words.” As you probably see now, I think be should be by.


    J. Davis

    1. Hello Mr. Davis,
      I’m glad you’re enjoying the book. Thank you very much for letting me know about the error. We’ll get that corrected.
      Also, please know that The Old Money Book will be in print this fall, and available through Amazon.
      I’ll announce publication details here on the blog, and when I do, please send me an email with your address.
      I’ll forward you a complimentary copy as a way of saying thanks.
      Kind regards,

  3. Hello Byron,
    I look forward to your postings on your webpage and really did enjoy reading your book! I often revisit chapters in the book for reference on many things that are just not taught or discussed nowdays.
    Question: Why is it that I rarely if never see an OMG working as a sales represenative? i.e. Medical Device Sales, Pharmaseutical Sales…..other than the obvious answer that they would clearly not need the money. Are sales simply a career arena that is not an option for the OMG crowd?
    Warm Regards,

    1. My guess would be that OMGs tend to go into fields that they find meaningful, gratifying and intrinsically worthwhile. From what I’ve seen, most people in sales are in it purely for the money.

  4. Hello Byron,

    I read your book a few months ago and really enjoyed it. I’m curious what your opinion is of dress shirts with contrast collars. I’ve personally been shocked by seeing as money old money gents as I have in them. I can’t help but think of Gordon Gekko or some sleazy car salesman when I see them. Are they a staple in the OMG wardrobe or should they be avoided at all costs?



    1. Hi Tyler, thank you for the kind words about the book. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Contrasting collars are tricky. Some people find them dashing. Some people are put off by them. You’re put off by them, and that’s okay. But don’t associate OMG’s wearing them with less-than-scrupulous characters from TV and film. A lot of OMG’s wear them because it’s a little personality that they can slip into a perhaps otherwise pretty traditional business wardrobe.

      The Old Money firm that really put the white collar/colored shirt combination on the map was Turnbull and Asser, bespoke shirt makers in London. They really do it best. And if you’d like your shirt and tie to have the possibility of being seen by satellites circling the earth, check out a T&A shirt and tie combo at their website. The colors, and prices, are eye-watering.

      There are a couple of things to consider in wearing them. First, I think they work best with a very traditional dark blue or dark grey suit. At the very least, a navy blue blazer with dark grey slacks. The traditional, even somber suit anchors the look, and communicates to others that the wearer has integrity and is responsible, but just enjoys a little bit of color, individuality, or even wit in their wardrobe.

      Another thing to consider, if you come around to liking the look, is whether or not it’s appropriate for your work and life. Obviously, it’s not a look for a funeral director, and it may not be a look for a younger person wanting to establish credibility with older clients. Again, my only caveat in wearing this type of shirt is to surround it with very traditional garments and shoes in dark colors.

      One final note: for some reason, the look seems to be a favorite among those of us in the publishing/literary arena. I’ll post some photos of some notable OMG’s on the blog for your enjoyment.

      Thank you again. – BGT

  5. Hello Byron,
    Firstly, I’d like to add to the above comments and share with you how much I absolutely ‘loved’ your book – I can’t wait for a hard copy (I’m a born minimalist but do like to have my favorites in book form – to ‘hold’ in the hands – completely different to reading the digital version).
    One of the areas of your book which stood out for me personally was that of education. A teeny bit about me (without boring you with too many details); I’m 52, have no real formal education, have managed to secure reasonable jobs (and some not so fabulous) and find myself at this age thinking of going to college (in the US) to get a degree.
    I’m well taken care of by my husband and the education will be funded by his GI bill. I am ‘not’ financially secure personally (and this is my number one goal) but, having tried sales recently, I feel that that particular route is just not for me.
    I live in Las Vegas and will be here for a good many years it looks like – but I would like the option to travel at some future stage and teach English – the option currently (a lovely student locally has laid it all out for me) is to do my Associates with the local community college then move on to UNLV for the Bachelors. I see many online options are ‘not’ very well received/respected.
    My question is: I’ve read very mixed reports on UNLV – my local young student friend assures me that UNLV is ‘good enough’ to secure me work anywhere in the states and indeed the world, but, I’ve also read that outside of Nevada, a degree from UNLV would ‘not’ serve me well at all. What would ‘you’ recommend Byron. I’m a tad clueless with the education world over here – I am originally from the UK so that may help explain my confusion.
    My two dilemmas if you will, do I follow the ‘local’ route and get my degree here in Las Vegas? A part of me feels that I’ve waited this long, I would love to get a degree from a ‘respected’ college. And if the cost is covered, that aspect is not in issue.
    And, starting out at 52, do you think this is wise? I really value your opinion. My feeling is that I don’t have any fabulous job options at the moment and though I’d be starting very late with teaching (understatement I know), I should (all being well) have a good 15 years left in me – and I will add, I do take care of myself and don’t quite look like the proverbial ‘old hag’ yet! So the plan is to be able to work, do something good/useful and ‘save’…
    Okay, that ended up being way too long – my apologies – I would’ve post elsewhere or PM’d you Byron but I couldn’t see where I could do that…
    Thank you (in anticipation) and warmest wishes to you,

    1. Hi, Jessica. Thank you very much for the kind words about the book. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m going to send you a personal email to discuss this, but I do want to say, “Good for you!” I’m all in favor of getting an education, and I congratulate you on not letting age limit or define what you can or cannot do. Bravo! – BGT

      1. I just wanted to send a heartfelt thanks Byron for taking the time to forward me such a thoughtful (and very helpful) reply; I appreciate it very much indeed!
        With warmest wishes to you,

  6. Good morning Byron. Do you have any suggestions for a website or blog that has pictures illustrating the OMG decor style?

    1. Hi Lisa, I’m sorry, I don’t know of any, and I think there are reasons for this. First, OMGs don’t often have their houses photographed. Second, I’m not sure there’s much ‘style’ to it: most of the furnishings are traditional, low-key, inherited, and often worn. The Madison Avenue version might be Ralph Lauren’s interior design division, if you want to look at those photos online. Another more accurate visual approximation would be to search Google images for rural villas in Italy and chateaux in France that families still live in. Old furniture, old rugs, old paintings, well done. If you’re decorating your own place and need some direction, I’d be happy to offer whatever advice I could via email (byrontully at gmail.com) Again, sorry. Was this any help? – BGT

  7. Thank you for the feedback. I will take my additional questions offline and to your email address, thank you for sharing with me. I appreciate the explanation as to why I do not see images online…

  8. Hi Byron, I’d like you respond to my email, please. There are private thing I want write about and as it goes…. “To me indeed all things seem more praiseworthy which are done without ostentation and without public witness.”
    Many thanks,

  9. Hi Byron,
    I love your book! It’s one of the few that I highly recommend to my friends. It is one of my top 3 or 4 personal development books. Another one I liked that you may enjoy is Miss Minamalist. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this book since it really taught me a lot about money management in America. I’m a first generation immigrant.
    I have a question to ask you. Since I think that the principles in your book are so valuable to people, if I were to start a company and reference your concepts (giving you credit) would you object? We could also figure out how to compensate you. I think your advice should be shared with people to end a lot of the problems, especially since overconsumption is killing the planet, but I don’t want to offend you and risk plagurism. Unfortunately, the majority of people that need this book don’t read for fun.
    Once again, thanks for everything you’re doing. I can’t wait to read your book on marriage 🙂
    Meena L. Syed

    1. Hello, Meena, and thank you for the very kind words about the book. I’m very happy that you’ve benefited from it, and I’m honored that you recommend it to your friends. I’m going to respond to your inquiry via personal email. Thanks again – BGT

  10. Hello! I have read your e books & love reading your blog! I am a stay at home mom of two children (ages 5 and 3 1/2), and I was wondering if you could go into more detail about child rearing and family dynamics? I would love to hear more about OMG family traditions, family vacations, beliefs around early childhood activities and toys, TV use, etc.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you enjoy the book and the blog. I’ll endeavor to address these issues in coming posts. If anyone has any childhood memories or contributions (Amy?) please feel free to mention. – BGT

  11. Dear Byron,
    thanks a lot for your book. I really enjoyed reading it. Have already purchased some more resources that you had recommended. Getting back to your book, I would say that one maybe, just maybe one phrase quintessentially says it all: “Less is more. Less is more. Less is more. This is not a typographical error.”
    All the best,

  12. Dear Byron,

    I’m an Editor at Dover and I’d love to discuss your books’ distribution if you’d like to reach out to me!


  13. Byron, I have gone through The Old Money Book multiple times now and found new ideas and perspectives upon each reading. It’s a fantastic book and I recommended it to friends already, a true eye opener.

    One topic that wasn’t covered in depth was how is the old money typically raising children to become productive members of society while growing up with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouth. I am concerned about my own family when reading that 70% of family wealth typically evaporates after just two generations (see http://time.com/money/3925308/rich-families-lose-wealth/). What do so many newly rich families get so wrong about raising their kids? What does the old money do to preserve wealth over half a dozen and more generations? What key lessons and values does the old money usually teach their kids that the middle class doesn’t?

    Maybe this topic would be broad and important enough to warrant a whole “The Old Money’s Guide to Raising Children” book?

    P.S. Due to the lack of tangible substance “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a complete failure on this topic in my opinion.

    1. Hi David, thank you for your kind words about the book and for recommending it to your friends. Even though I briefly cover the subject of raising children in “The Old Money Guide To Marriage”, I am reluctant to write about the subject in depth. The reason is that I don’t have any children, and I’m reluctant to be an ‘armchair quarterback’ on the subject.

      That said, Old Money families do have some common practices that I think warrant mentioning. First, there’s love. When you marry and have children that you’ve (probably) planned for and prepared for (as much as is possible), you welcome them into your life and love them. When you develop that bond, it’s possible to guide, educate, and inspire them to live fully, do well, and be good people. If you don’t love them, it’s tough sledding all around.

      Second, there’s discipline and structure. Children need boundaries and definition, even if they don’t always welcome them. This has to start early and be maintained. It’s work, but it’s an investment that pays off. I’m not talking about squashing a child’s natural joy and curiosity, but it is necessary for them to learn manners and understand that they’re part of a family unit and a larger social structure.

      Third, there’s education. This starts at home with reading to a child, limiting the TV and internet time, and exposing them to the vast wealth of knowledge that resides in libraries and museums. A lot of emphasis is put on private schools, but the priorities set at home may be an even larger influence on a child’s educational development than getting into Choate.

      Those are the fundamentals. The reasons New Money drops the ball are legion. As I’ve said before, New Money parents may be so focused on giving their children what they never had that they forget to give their children what they did have: namely, a challenge, motivation, and an opportunity to success and fail. It’s also important that the parents get a firm grip and new perspective on what role money plays in the life of the family. You have to know what money can and can’t do for you. And you have to have a sense of who you are outside your financial net worth. Tricky business when you’ve gone from rags to riches, or, more likely, working class to rich in a matter of just a few years.

      To preserve wealth, my opinion is that you’ve got to first drill into your children’s heads the Core Values I detail in The Old Money Book. Not a delicate way to put it, but perhaps the imagery will help with the execution. (Wink, nod.) Second, you’ve got to structure you finances with wills, trusts, insurance, etc. to ensure the smooth transfer of wealth from one generation to the next (minimizing taxes and family feuds is key). Third, you’ve got to clearly articulate, while you are alive and healthy, what you expect your heirs to do with the money once you’re gone. That is, they are to preserve it and make it grow in order to provide security, health, education, and opportunity for themselves and generations to come. This is the long view, and they need to adopt it early on. Finally, it helps to have a CPA, family attorney, and perhaps an investment advisor who can ‘circle the wagons’ when the time comes and keep things on an even keel.

      I hope this provides an overview of Old Money’s attitudes and protocols for the preservation of family wealth. It’s been suggested that I provide a consulting service for New Money, but I’m sure I’d get too angry when I gave advice and people didn’t listen.

      So I’ll just stick to writing.

      Thanks again. – BGT

      1. Wow, I feel humbled by the depth of your response. Even though you start with the disclaimer you don’t want to go into too much depth, quite an understatement 🙂 All your points (‘the three fundamentals’) are spot in my opinion, and yes I’ve just read TOMB for the 2nd time and I find myself in Eureka moments once again. I plan on re-reading it every 2-3 years as the kids grow so I can start feeding them the lesson.

        P.S. Maybe you want to consider taking your above response and turning it into a blog post, I think others might find it valuable as well.

  14. Loved your book. Never realized that I was taught to be an OMG growing up with parents who were well bred, gentile educators. Your book lays the roadmap for those who have not been blessed with Old Money Parents.

  15. Really great website and a very well-written book with down-to-earth, practical advice; I enjoyed it thoroughly. I did grow up poor, but it took me years to realize “living wealthy” has less to do with money and more to do with “living well.” I think those who are poorer and come into money fail to see the distinction, and the majority of people are definitely not prepared for a sudden jolt in social mobility (e.g. lottery winners, trust funds, etc). But the mindset is something that can be practiced regardless of wealth.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Paul, and welcome. “Living well” kind of says it all. Hope you’ll visit and contribute regularly. – BGT

  16. Hi, Mr. Tully! I’ve read your book several times on my Kindle, and learn something new with each reading. Your words of wisdom–and humor!–are so appreciated.Thank you for what you’ve done, and continue to do!

    Best regards,

  17. Mr. Tully, what a wonderful book full of insight. My issue is that I wish I knew at 20 what I do know (44) after reading the book. It would have saved lots of mistakes.

    I do have a question: is it possible to be of the old money lifestyle and mentality though not technically derived from old money without being artificial? Specifically, may one (in your opinion) identify as old money by simply adopting the mentality, principles, codes, etc. without having the actual old money upbringing and financial wherewithal that normally is associated with such a person? I’m interested in what your opinion on the matter is, sir.

    Thank you and all the best.

    1. Thank you, Mr. Hill, for the kind words. As I say in the book, I encourage anyone from any background to adopt the values, priorities, and habits of Old Money. I think anyone can do that without pretension or ‘artificiality.’ I don’t think it’s wise to ‘put on airs’ or be a ‘poser’ about who you are or who your family is. No need to talk like Thurston Howell III or wear an ascot to brunch.

      I’ve seen that kind of behavior too often. It only alienates friends and doesn’t fool Old Money at all. Absorb the values. Develop the habits. Be yourself. And I think everybody feels that way: wishing we’d known then what we know now!

      Thanks again, and welcome to the blog. – BGT

  18. Dear Mr Tully,

    I’ve listened to your Old Money book via Audible several times. As I read/listen to other books I find myself revisiting Old Money with new found clarity. (books like Rich Dad Poor Dad for instance.) It is a wonderful trove of treasure. I have a Kindle copy as well. I would like you to consider making Audible an option with all your books as I am constantly traveling. Reading is a luxury anymore…
    Please use the same lady for your readings if possible as she is fabulous.

    Many thanks!



  19. Dear Mr Tully,

    I’ve listened to your Old Money book via Audible several times. As I read/listen to other books I find myself revisiting Old Money with new found clarity (books like Rich Dad Poor Dad for instance.) It is a wonderful trove of treasure. I have a Kindle copy as well. I would like you to consider making Audible an option with all your books as I am constantly traveling. Reading is a luxury anymore…
    Please use the same lady for your readings if possible as she is fabulous.

    Many thanks!



    1. Thank you, CLH. Converting my other titles to Audible is definitely on the agenda. I really appreciate your insights, and the voiceover artist I used was great. I’ll forward your compliments to her. Thanks again. – BGT

  20. Byron, LLBean’s return policy has changed. I live in Maine and it used to be you could return things without any questions asked. If you had a receipt they would give you cash back and if no receipt they would either replace the item or give you a merchandise credit. No longer. From their website:

    To help protect our customers and make sure every return or exchange is dealt with fairly, we may either require a receipt or decline a return or exchange in certain situations, including:

    Items that were not purchased directly from L.L.Bean (such as items purchased at thrift stores, online sellers or garage sales)
    Items with a missing label or an item that has been defaced
    On rare occasions, based on the nature of prior transactions
    Without a receipt and a valid ID in our stores
    Items that have been soiled or contaminated, until they have been cleaned
    Items lost or damaged due to fire, flood, natural disaster, or accidents (including pet damage)
    Items returned for personal reasons unrelated to product satisfaction
    Returns on ammunition either in our stores or through the mail

    FYI, I was a loyal LLBean customer until the policy affected my ability to return a parka with a legitimately broken zipper (pull tab mechanism completely separated.) Now I tend to shop a store closer to my home and only shop LLBean when I am in the area or get a a gift card.

    1. Thank you, Kellie. The update and the personal experience with LL Bean is appreciated. I’m surprised they wouldn’t address a zipper issue. I’m a fan of the wool ragg socks. Everybody I know has a pair of the boots…except me. If it’s raining that hard, or the water’s that high, I’ll just wait indoors. – BGT

  21. I was wondering if you’ve ever looked into a phenomenon that I’ve noticed-very wealthy “old money” houses, especially those near the ocean tend away from having cultivated yards. Just searching “wild yard” in Google Images brought me to a picture of a small cottage that was part of an article in a magazine for Martha’s Vineyard. Also, I’ve been reading a little about Mr. Rogers. I learned he had a house on Nantucket “The Crooked House” which has over 40 acres of uncultivated land. The neighboring houses seem to favor this look too. On the Northern California Coast, the huge Sea Ranch development bars any cultivation of yards. I’ve noticed this is also common on the Oregon Coast. In Paul Fussell’s “Class” he makes mention that the upper class don’t tend to their yards (or have their help do it) as scrupulously as the middle class. This is wonderful because I live in a part of California where water is scarce and I think if more people could be led to understand that they’re not impressing anyone with their pesticide-ridden lawns, it would do a lot of good with water and the environment. It might even free up their Saturdays. I also happen to think it looks better when it looks a little more neglected. Love your blog. I’ll have to get the book.

    1. Thank you, Malcolm. Yes, the ‘brown, half-dirt yard’ is often a sign of Old Money families living in the suburbs and rural areas. There is seldom the aspirational landscaping that often signifies new wealth. If there is an attention to the yard, it’s the backyard, where Old Money Gals sometimes tend their vegetables and roses. – BGT

  22. I recently purchased your book for Kindle(July 2018) and am thoroughly enjoying it for the third time I’ve read it! I started this journey later in life, and am hopeful to glean whatever knowledge and encouragement I can from this treasure trove. Thank you for writing a compelling and insightful book.

  23. Byron,

    I would like to thank you so much for your book and all of the wonderful postings that you have put up in the past years. I have read each of them with interest, and even used some of your advice on my 17 year old, soon to be 18 year old, son, especially when it came to our family expectations of him for college. He expressed his desire at 4 years old to become a ‘doggie doctor’, so we set him on the path he needed to get there. From attending ‘Be A Vet’ Days at the local animal hospital to workshops on animal dissection to most recently him shadowing our family rabbit’s veterinarian, we watched as he blossomed learning about his chosen profession. Every year we asked him, ‘do you still want to be a vet, because if you don’t, you can choose something else’. And he never wavered.

    Through the years I read much of what you wrote about attending and paying for college. We are not old money, far from it, and we knew that he would have to go to school for eight years to get his vet degree. We also knew that vet school is as expensive as med school with loans involved, and we did not want him taking out loans for undergraduate. So we made him a deal that if he attended one of two local highly regarded private colleges and got a job paying for his car insurance and a reasonable amount of money towards the family budget for food, etc., he could stay at home rent-free and not have to reside on campus, saving himself $18,000 a year. I am proud to say that he just received his acceptance letter to one of those two colleges, majoring in Medical Biology with a pre-vet concentration. I don’t think I would have been able to convince to do this without citing some of what you said, so thank you so much for your wisdom.


    1. You’re very welcome, Kellie, and I’m honored to be thought of that way. However, I think most of the credit goes to you and your family. Your support of–and healthy communication with–your son is commendable. He obviously has the intelligence and discipline to become a vet. What’s just as commendable is that he has the strength of character to make a deal with this parents and honor it. As the Irish saying goes, He didn’t just lick that up off the kitchen floor. Congratulations. Happy holidays! – BGT

  24. I’ve enjoyed your blog for a while… it’s a bit of calm in a dissonant world. Thanks for the wise postings. Have you considered writing something here about Hobey Baker? I’ll bet your readers would enjoy that. Even though Hobey died 100 years ago, he still seems to be a worthy example of the best of Old Money values in the current world of confusion and civilized discourse cut loose. I think you’d do a fine job writing a little something about him. Keep up the good work.

  25. Wonderful website Byron. I finished reading your books on The Old Money Lifestyle and Guide to Marriage. It’s lovely to hear the values my parents raised me with are practiced by so many others on this blog. Especially in the reality tv show era. Thank you for writing these titles and sharing your knowledge. Happy Holidays!

      1. Oh happy day! I’m super excited… I feel like a kid on Christmas morning going to your webpage each day thinking is today the day…If it does end up being Valentines Day, what a great gift to give myself!

  26. Byron,

    As a new reader, thank you for the years of material you’ve crafted here. I’ve independently been putting some thought toward generational wealth and “old money”, and I found myself trying to pinpoint a certain “it” factor that wasn’t money at all. It is indeed the old money mindset, and I feel you’ve captured it wonderfully in your writing.

    I’ll continue to read, but one thing I’d love to learn more about as a new father is raising children into this “old money” mindset.

    Keep up the great work.

    1. Welcome, LW. And again my apologies for the late reply. The first thing for a father to do is set an example. “What you do speaks so loudly I can’t hear a word you say.” This will be especially true during the teenage years, when children can tune out for awhile.

      Second, have simple, age-appropriate conversations about manners and money. Take the time in the moment, as I so often see Parisian parents do, to drill home a concept as it happens. If a child doesn’t say, Excuse me, when they get in the way of someone, instantly kneel down and calmly but firmly explain this small lesson in etiquette.

      Third, limit screen time with television, laptops, and mobile phones. You as a parent want to be the dominant influence, not social media, or media in general.

      Fourth, books. Read to them daily and early in life, and hold them as you do, so they associate books and reading with love. Also, have a large quantity of books in the house. For some reason, this matters.

      Fifth, plan. Insurance, wills, guardians in case something happens to you…all this is on your plate now. (As if there isn’t already enough.)

      Good luck! and feel free to reach out to me personally via email if you have more questions. – BGT

      1. I have read The Old Money Book and The Old Money Guide to Marriage. I am now reading the Old Money, New Woman: How to Manage your Money and your Life. It fills in the gaps. I am going through a major life transition and this book can help guide the way. Thank you.

      2. You’re very welcome, April. I’m glad the books are helpful. Be strong, move forward. Embrace the change. I hope everything works out for the best. – BGT

  27. I really enjoyed your book Old Money and found it really resonated with me. I have certainly prioritised education and travel in my own life. I also found the book very much aligned with my observations of old money in England as I mixed with many public school people and even old Etonians at university (I am neither old money nor new money). I am from England but now live in Australia and find life here very casual and find that Australians are what I have termed “chronic over sharers”. Over the last 15 years I have found myself sharing too much as well. Well – no more! This “new Australian” is going to cultivate an air of mystery! Thanks again for your books and I am very glad I found this blog and its community of like minded people.

  28. Hi Byron,

    I’ve recently discovered your blog and book via Madame Chic, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the content.

    One question I have is, why is one of the rules of etiquette: “Do not discuss your financial situation with friends. Discuss your financial situation with family selectively.”?

    What precisely is the harm in it, if they are friends as opposed to acquaintances?

    Example: one of my friends is in the process of buying her first house. She wanted advice and we got into the particulars of how much money she had and I used some of my home-buying experience and my money situation as an example in my advice to her.
    Over the course of our friendship, we’ve also discussed our strategies regarding student loans, life/disability insurance, retirement allocation, budgeting, salary raises, etc.

    How are people supposed to learn about money if we can’t talk about it with each other?

    Thank you,

  29. Greetings Byron, This morning I chanced upon your blog and have enjoyed it. I’m in the business of cultivating patricians among the newly rich, shall we say, encouraging especially in the realm of architecture and design so much of what you write about here (and, apparently, in your books, one of which I’ve ordered). I would like to ask you some questions directly. How might I contact you directly? Thank you in advance for the kindness of your response, FELIX.

  30. Hi Byron,

    Hope you are well.

    I have read three of your books – The Old Money Book, Old Money Style, and Old Money New Woman. I have also read all of your earlier posts in the Archive section on the blog.

    Just wanted to appreciate and thank you for the practical wisdom that you’ve shared through all these. I have just ordered a paperback version of the revised Old Money Book; partly because I just enjoy reading “real” books more, and partly because I would also like my children to read it when they grow up.

    Best Regards,
    Dhruv Sharma

  31. Hi Byron, I’ve read your books and have some suggestions for future reprints or other publications using similar items. Feel free to contact me.

  32. Dear Byron, I recently purchased your book Old Money, New Woman and found it so interesting. I’m connecting with you because I created a magazine called Extraordinary Women, which is the ONLY international print and digital magazine published that supports women to create and live a fabulous next chapter.

    Our subscribers are women age 45+ who travel internationally, own businesses, manage their money, invest in stylish clothing and love great food and wine. They are your readers!

    This is a new generation of women of a certain age, unlike any before, which makes the 45+ woman want to intentionally design their next chapter rather than just live it.

    Would you like to be featured as a Contributor in the next issue of Extraordinary Women? If you send me your email, I will send you a link to the magazine.

    I am looking for an 800-1000 word article with 2-4 high-resolution images including a headshot and lifestyle photos that represent your brand and books.

    Content for the January issue is due 15 November.

    I would love to have you represented in the January issue. Let me know if you are interested in contributing to the Extraordinary Women Magazine.

    all my best,
    Sharri Harmel

  33. So glad to have my boyfriend back after few weeks of break up

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